Listing courtesy of KOIS REAL ESTATE
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Price reduction, easy to show. Spacious 4 bedroom home with 3 baths, a 2 car garage with opener and large fenced back yard with large garden and 2 well established apple trees, peach and nectarine trees. Garden includes annual raspberries and strawberries with automated drip irrigation system. Large kid friendly fully fenced back yard. Solar provides 100% plus of electricity needs. OPEN HOUSE Feb. 2nd 3-5
Available now at $490,000
The average asking price of a 4 bedroom Fort Lupton home in this zip code is $656,544 (34.0% more than this home).
This home is priced at $262/sqft, which is 16.0% less than similar homes in the 80621 zip code.
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Listing Courtesy of KOIS REAL ESTATE. For information or to schedule a viewing of this property (MLS# 8677443), call: 303-921-4595
1908 Homestead Dr, Fort Lupton CO is a single family home of 1868 sqft and is currently priced at $490,000 . This single family home has 4 bedrooms. A comparable home for sale at 2325 Mountain Sky Dr in Fort Lupton is listed at $535,000. In addition to single family homes, Highgarden also makes it easy to find Homes, Condos and Foreclosures in Fort Lupton, CO. Aspen Hill, Mountview and Aristocrat Ranchettes are nearby neighborhoods. MLS 8677443 has been posted on this site since 11/22/2024 (today).
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